Divergent thinking: is a process to think of a lot of possible ideas on a particular topic. It involves in brainstorming, getting all the ways to solve a problem in a short time period. All related ideas will be generate in order to solve the problem. So the shape will be in divergent, all the ideas going outside.
Convergent thinking : is the opposite of divergent thinking. It collects all the ideas from divergent thinking and make into one best solution to the particular problem.
The following picture could explain mroe on this 2 thinking methods

Is a great way to generate ideas and used in brainstorming. It is now greatly used in this society and even to me in doing my assignments. There are basically two techniques of mind mapping, which are logical mind map and associated mind map.
Logical Mind Map : We can said that logical mind map is a kind of stereotype. All the words are easy to think by others people because of the stereotype. Those words are very direct to the topic and is very common to the society. But this technique is very good for categorizing a lot of informations.
example of mind map
Associated Mind Map : This is the opposite of logical mind map. It could generate random ideas and words. All those words are not directly related to the subject. But it is mostly very unique and creative.
Is a great way to generate ideas and used in brainstorming. It is now greatly used in this society and even to me in doing my assignments. There are basically two techniques of mind mapping, which are logical mind map and associated mind map.
Logical Mind Map : We can said that logical mind map is a kind of stereotype. All the words are easy to think by others people because of the stereotype. Those words are very direct to the topic and is very common to the society. But this technique is very good for categorizing a lot of informations.

Associated Mind Map : This is the opposite of logical mind map. It could generate random ideas and words. All those words are not directly related to the subject. But it is mostly very unique and creative.
Stereotype : Is an image that the public think of it to a group of people. Example, beautiful women are not smart. This stereotype is often created by the media. Most of the time, stereotypes are bad image of a particular group. But there are also cases of good stereotype, like nurse are caring.

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