So I was quite blur when I first attend the class. But when Mr. Yap Sau Bin showed the slide, objective of this subject. (To introduce and provide aspects of thinking methods and creativity, in encountering and solving problems) Yeah, great! I know that I'm not in English class.
------------------------This is what i felt when i know that I'm not in English class---------------------------------------
Creative Studies, so we are going to study about creative and creativity. I hope that this class could make me to be more creative. As I'm studying in FCM, I really need those "creative". I felt that I am not creative and so I wish that this class will give me some "creative juice". I hope that this class will teach me how to be creative in solving problems. And with the creativity I had learned, I could use it in doing my assignments or even in daily life.

Creative Studies, so we are going to study about creative and creativity. I hope that this class could make me to be more creative. As I'm studying in FCM, I really need those "creative". I felt that I am not creative and so I wish that this class will give me some "creative juice". I hope that this class will teach me how to be creative in solving problems. And with the creativity I had learned, I could use it in doing my assignments or even in daily life.

L E T ' S---G E T---C R E A T I V E !
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